Talisman Handcrafted Typeface font | Aku Fadhl
Moons of Jupiter font | Juha Korhonen
Julia’s Dream script font | DmitriyChirkov
Freshly Thinking font | Xerographer Fonts
Nexa Script font | Fontfabric
Yarin font | Mario Pandeliev
Script Bundle – 4s font | Noe Araujo
Kabayan font | Syamsul Arifin
KG Piece by Piece font | Kimberly Geswein
Milasian Circa Bold font | Mans Greback
NEW Art Plot – Hand Drawn font | pixelbypixel
Fabian’s name [Script Typeface] font | Smart Designs
Sigmund Freud Family font | 1001 Fonts
Tibet font | Rémi Godefroid
Antique Spenserian font | Ryoichi Tsunekawa
Vtks Academy font | douglas vitkauskas
The Subway Types Family font | Hannes von Döhren
ItsHoliday,Fun Calligraphy font | mycandythemes
Blee Guys font | Sanz Fonts
Wasted font | StereoType